August 1, 2023
♒️ Full Moon
Art, Love, & Woke Magic Podcast
Ep.20 – August Monthly Medicine Tarot Reading
💫 SPELLCAST: May you be creative. May you be magic. May you be intuitive. May you be ever-flowing and infinite like water. 🙏🏽
Synopsis & Episode Love
📣 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: To help you steward the intuitive & creative energy of The Page of Cups this month, i’m opening up the doors to Sacred Creatrix with the exclusive founder’s rate of $20 a month! Learn more and sign up here.
Our card of the month is . . .
The Page of Cups
The Page of Cups is the personification and embodiment of the element of Water.
This month is a beautiful time to get crystal clear on the role of the elements and symbols of water—the keywords i share below—play in your life.
What do you need more of? What do you need less of? What creative, intuitive, or passion projects did you say you wanted to complete this year, but still haven’t started or finished?
Now is the time to get it done.
The Page of Cups is here to help.
Keywords for the Page of Cups:
🏆 Student & messenger
🏆 Adaptable
🏆 Receptive
🏆 Creativity—The poet, artist, dreamer
🏆 Intuition—Developing your psychic abilities
Focus for the month:
- Understanding your relationship, experiences, and understanding of Water
- Usering in your creativity
- Drinking water magick (listen to the podcast for more about this daily magickal praxis)
- Keep an eye out for magick and an open heart for a surprise!
Your Page of Cups opening inquiry:
What does water mean to me?
i go deeper into variations of this question in this month’s episode so take a listen!
Enjoy the episode, friends!
Love you mucho mas and i’ll see you next week! 💃🏽
in lak’ech,
🪄 🚨👉🏽 SURPRISE! SACRED CREATRIX IS NOW OPEN! Start creating now! Doors close 11:59pm CST on August 31, 2023. Learn more here. i can’t wait to welcome you inside!
Recap & Takeaways
🔮 Spend this month exploring and understanding your relationship to the water element.
🔮 What were you working on in July (the 2 of Cups)? What wants to be carried forward into August? What wants to be left at the shore?
🔮 Take some time to journal about your favorite stories, memories, or experiences with water. How have they shifted or changed?
🔮 Keep your eyes out for a surprise! This will be in the realm of whatever you were working on in July! Let me know in the comments what your surprise was!!
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