Creative spaces Brandi Amara Skyy
This week has been BIG.
Big as in BIG ideas, BIG decisions, BIG questions, BIG love, and BIG evolving.
And small.
Small as in focus, small desires, small steps towards BIG dreams.
And BIG epiphanies with small adjustments.
What started as a simple desire to share my story with the universe and other creatives has evolved BIG time. So BIG in fact that i can’t just.quite.yet put my finger on it . . . you know that gut sense that you’re onto something great? That it’s right.there? And you know if you just keep going – writing, painting, dancing – you’ll finally find the exact combination to unlock it?
That’s where i am right now.
And because my small idea wants to grow into something BIGger, my One reflection Sunday no longer captures the abundance (not to mention ambiguity) of this project. But i’m not giving up on her just yet.
However, i started resenting the fact that i was tied down to a very specific boxed-in idea for 7 days. Which, of course, led me to resisting the One reflection Sunday series. So what did i do?
i let go of my expectations for it and its outcome and let it evolve into what it wanted to be.
Instead of expecting inspiration to hit in the form of specific reflections, i decided to let it evolve through intention(s).
That simple shift changed everything. Here’s what i mean. Last week my One reflection Sunday was:
What is the biggest lesson that drag has taught me?
But what ended up inspiring me and what i ultimately wrote had the same intention, a BIG lesson learned, just not in the specific form i (thought) i wanted it in. (P.S. What i’m about to share is a SUPER rough draft – meaning it has not been through any of my extensive editing processes. i totally didn’t want to share this, but in the spirit of learning + journeying together i told my ego to fuck off. Please be kind :).
You know who are by the time you turn five.
Anything that comes after that is a study in (BIG TIME) over-thinking.
Think about it. The older you get the more complicated others want you to think that knowing what you want to do is. There are aptitude tests we are forced to take in high school that tell us what our strongest career paths are. There are SAT, ACT’s, IQ tests, Rorschach Tests, Oprah tests, career and personality aptitude tests . . . the list (and the testing) goes on and on and on and on.
And then ironically, as if a lifetime of testing is not nearly enough testing for us to figure out who we are, we decide that its a super good idea and agree to self inflicted testing. Taking quizzes and personality tests online in hope of finding our strengths (StrengthFinder test anyone?) so we can finally figure out what it is we are meant to do.
SUCH UTTER BULLSHIT(And i’m totally guilty as charged on all above counts).
And really all i had to do was follow the path that i had laid down for myself when i was five.

That magic happen when i came to the page with the intent on writing about some – ANY kind of – BIG lesson i learned.
After that write session, i made the decision to change my One reflection Sunday to One Intention Sunday.
Here is my intention for this week:
To write about an experience that i could not have had if i didn’t trust myself fully.
Aaaaaahhhhh! That feels so much better and so much more like me.
What small changes can you make that will yield significant productivity and creative results? Whatever it is, do it. It makes all the difference in the world.
Start small. Dream BIG.
Here’s to setting some serious creative intentions this week!
Love, light + BIGness,
P.S. Like this post? Last week in my Missives for Creatives email, i wrote all about changing your mind and evolving. Not part of our tribe yet? Join here. See you soon!