Listen to this post on my One Minute Sparks For Artists Podcast See the published article HERE. In 1985 a gay male by the name of Cleve Jones attended a candlelight memorial for Harvey Milk. It was there among his people that he dreamed up what would later become the...
We the people are resilient. We will survive. We will overcome. And we will thrive by showering the world and each other with support, anger, resistance, connection, and most importantly love. As we move into a new set of energies for the next four years...
You can read my words by scrolling below or you can hear me read it with you here. We are always evolving. If we’re not evolving, we’re stagnating. And stagnation = death. Life requires movement – of energy, of blood, of...
By redeeming your most painful experiences you transform them into something valuable, algo para compartir or share with others so they too may be empowered.” Gloria E. AnzaldĂșa i am broken. Shattered. Disoriented. And still in a hazy shade of the...