“You were born naked and the rest is drag.” – RuPaul
One of my goals for 2014 was to capture + document more of my drag life, moments, and escapades on camera. Half way through the year i’ve done pretty good, but i know i could be doing A LOT more.
And being not only a true blue Capricorn but also a fire snake, i’m totally driven by competition, challenges, tasks + dares (makes sense now right?!??!). So i looked for some kind of drag challenge out there in the drag-o-verse. There wasn’t one. So i created one. For myself. So i can be a better queen. And i’m sharing my personal challenge with you in case you’d like to play along with me 🙂 .
It’s called: #dragchallenge2014
Starting on July 1st, i’ll be using instagram to document all the things in my drag life that i’m thankful for, are inspirational, or that i want more of. Here’s the flow of what i’m doing and remember these all jumping off points – not strict rules.
July 1st :: Face
Introduce yourself to the world and the challenge by posting your favorite and most flawless pic of yourself!
July 2nd :: Behind the aura
Who are you when you’re not on the stage? Give us all a glimpse of the person behind the queen.
July 3rd :: Drag idol
Who do you admire? Why do you admire them? Share a photo of what makes them so inspirational to you.
July 4th :: Baby, Ur a firework
What better way to celebrate July 4th than with some sparkle, pizzazz and bling?! Use today to take a photo of what is shooting, flaming and/or glowing in your skyy 😉
July 5th :: Making or creating
What are you working on? Are you making something? Are you working on the world’s most amazing costume, talent, performance? Share it with us.
July 6th :: Diva selfie
Strike your most flawless diva-esque pose! OOOOR take a pic of what you feel makes you a diva. Get creative with this one.
July 7th :: Favorite costume
What are you most proud to have hanging in your closet (or wadded on your floor)?
July 8th :: Song
What’s your favorite song? Any song. One that you know you will never get tired of performing to, one that you’ve wanted to do but were too scared to do, a song you hate . . . find a song that moves you and share it.
July 9th :: Drag Bag
What’s in it?!??! What does it look like? What’s the one thing you HAVE TO HAVE with you at ALL times?!?! Or just dump out your bag and snap!
July 10th :: #tbt
But make this one count. Give us a throwback pic that inspired you to drag in the first place. Share something unexpected and divine!
July 11th :: Drag dream
What is your drag dream? What are your goals? What do you want to do, accomplish, or be with your drag?
July 12th :: Your dragscape
What and where are you favorite places to go in drag? Do you have a drag home? A place you’ve always wanted to go and perform? Share your realm with us!
July 13th :: Spirit animal
Who, what, where is your spirit animal? Go wild. Share.
July 14th :: Behind the scenes
What does your drag/creative space look like? Where do you beat your mug? What’s your creative process? How do you do what you do? Give us the VIP behind the scenes access!
July 15th :: Dislike
Like anything else, there is an underbelly of drag. What do you dislike about it? What would you change? How would/could you inspire that change to happen?
July 16th :: No make-up selfie
Get raw. Deconstruct your drag self. Share what’s underneath.
July 17th :: Trademark
What are you known or want to be known for? Take a photo of what/how you want to be remembered.
July 18th :: Dragspiration
Drag + Inspiration. What inspires your drag? Anything. GO!
July 19th :: Glitter
Self explanatory 😉 #glitterbomb #shineon
July 20th :: Favorite drag tools
What are the drag tools that you can’t live without? Make-brushes? Social media? Programs? Shoes? Share with us your must have things.
July 21st :: One
If you could only use one word or image to describe your drag–or you–what would it be?
July 22nd :: Reflection or mirror selfie
Share with us your reflection – in a mirror, broken glass, someone’s eye. Get creative. (i’ve always wanted to take a mirror selfie now i have an excuse to).
July 23rd :: Your fans
Your loves. The one; the many. Share a photo of the people you are most grateful for.
July 24th :: Drag bible
What is THE FINAL word of flawlessness to you? Is it a mag? Is it a designer? Is it you? What is the end all be all of drag to you?
July 25th :: Playing in make-up
Recreate a look, makeup your own, try something with your make-up that you’ve always wanted to do. Play in make-up and share with us the fruits of your labor.
July 26th :: i love . . .
What is it that you love about drag? Yourself? Your character? Your life? Capture in a photo what you love right now.
July 27th :: drag room/closet
Share a photo of what yours looks like (or what you would like it to look like). This is your personal drag lab.
July 28th :: Inspiring friend
Who is near and dear to your drag heart? Your ride or die? What makes them unique and inspiring? What magic do they hold?
July 29th :: Obsession
What are you OBSESSED with?
July 30th :: Favorite quote
Your words to live by. Your life motto. Who’s words inspire you?
July 31st :: First time in drag
Share with us where/how you started so that we can celebrate with you how far you’ve come!
August 1 :: Create your own challenge to make you a better {queen, dancer, performer, lover – insert your desire here}
The world is your stage – own it!
Here’s how to join in on the drag fun:
Save the image above– or like it on my instagram — so you can quickly find each day’s challenge. Use the prompts as dragspirations, grab your camera (or phone), take some dragsnaps and share your masterpieces on instagram and tag them with #dragchallenge2014.
The beauty of the challenge?
While it is a 30 day challenge, you can start anytime, pick up from anywhere, or do the ones that inspire you the most. BONUS for 30 day players – you’ll have a photo documentary of your drag life that will remind you just how fucking flawlessly fabulous you are.
Not a dragster? YOU CAN STILL PLAY!
The challenge is adaptable to any kind of performer – burlesque, belly dance, etc. Create your own; make it your own.
Not a performer? I’ve got something for you too!
i DARE you to get your drag on for International Drag Day on July 16th. Drag yourself out and post your best photo on instagram tagged #dragchallenge2014.
A full documented month of drag YEA!!!
*throws glitter and confetti*
Here’s to July being nothing but a D R A G!
Love, light + cameras,