July 11, 2022
Moon in โ๏ธย + Sun sextile Uranus (on day of recording 7.10)
WOKE MAGIC PODCAST Ep.04 – “You Are Already Whole” Full Moon Celebration ๐ฅณ
๐ซ SPELLCAST: May the fullness of the moon inspire the recognization of fullness and wholeness in you. And may this cast be a seedling + step towards the sacred embodiment of said fullness. And so it is. ๐๐ฝ
Transcript + Full Moon WM Services Celebration!
Merry week!!!
i am soooo excited. So this week on Wednesday, we are celebrating our fullness and our bounty in our goals and in our dreams with the Full Moon in Capricorn.
And i’m even more excited because this is my Sun’s full Moon. And it feels like any time that we experience a full Moon in the same sign as our Sun sign, we are at like our pinnacle of fullness. Right? Because the Sun is shining and the Moon is reflecting the light of the sun. And it’s a full-on celebration of our Sun, and also the emotions and the river and the pool and the reflection of our Sun sign in the Moon. And so it’s the best of both worlds. It’s like the Wun and the shadow coming together in fullness.
So i’m really excited about this week and i have so much planned but i’m also keeping space for miracles. And i thought it would be super fun this week because it is a full Moon week to pull our weekly card together.
So normally i pull the card off the air and sit with it, meditate with it, and then receive downloads, and then i hit record and share those downloads with you.
But today, i thought it would be super fun to do it live and channel, the divine downloads together as we move through it.
This week, i really want us all to focus on what can we celebrate that is reaching our fullness. And by that i mean, the Capricorn New Moon sets off the Gregorian calendar New Year, right? So it starts us off in January. It’s like the new Moon that says sets us into our new Moon, and yearly and resolutions and intentions. So what i would like for you to do and if you have your WOKE MAGIC Grimoire, i recommend you pull it out for this because we have a section in there that specifically talks about this. It’s on page 41 of your WOKE MAGIC Grimoire and it’s all about the full Moon and Capricorn reflection and on the next page you have the midpoint check-in Tarot Spread that really will help you dive in. It’s a beautiful companion piece to this actual podcast download.
Here’s what i invite you to do:
i want you to think about what you were wishing and hoping for and intending at the beginning of the year in the new Moon and Capricorn time period. And that timeframe ran from January 2 to January 5. So if you didn’t make new Dark Moon intentions at that time under a Capricorn moon, refer back to your 2022 intentions and resolutions, or however you celebrate what were you wanting to bring out this year. And if you have both even better, bring them into this little ritual too.
i want you to look and ask yourself three questions.
1. Where are you now? Like how where did you start and where you are now mid-check in? What could you be aligning with better? Like where are the points where it got a little murky? What were your biggest distractions? That’s all kind of like the same energy of Q 1.
2. Where did you get distracted? And in that distraction, kind of just let your brain go and see if it downloads anything that would kind of help you return back to the center.
3. When you are looking at your New Year’s resolutions or your Capricorn New Moon and reflecting at this midpoint, i want you to ask yourself, What do you want to add new intentionality to? What do you want to reinvigorate with your intention? Are you still on the trajectory that you set right there? Do you need to finagle a little bit? Do you need to tweak it? Do you need to complete 360? Have things popped up that you need to shift completely?All of that is okay.
But just take a moment to really look and see where, where you’re at where you got discombobulated or off track? And then, are these things, something that you want to continue? If you do, then go back to question number two, in your answers, and see where you can make those changes and bring your energy back to your original intentions and resolutions.
If you want to completely reset, then just begin the process again, like we are celebrating the fullness and the completion of saying you know what this is not. This is not for me. And you know, sometimes that’s okay, sometimes it is part of the steps, the journey that we need to take to get us to the next phase, right? It’s one step along a bigger journey.
Wherever you’re at, honor that and celebrate it, and i am celebrating you and your fullness.
Okay so let’s pull our card of the week. And let’s ask about celebration and about checking in and midpoints.
So the energy that we’re coming to the cards with is midpoint check-in celebration, resets renewing three connections, what message and energy do you have for us this week about that?
All right, the Three of Emotions. We have the Three of Cups and immediately, what comes to mind and what i’m seeing in this card, i’m using the Muse Tarot, is the triple Goddexx. So it’s the three Moons. And this goes back to what i was saying earlier about how sometimes we reach a fullness of an idea, even if it’s not to completion, right? And what the moon teaches us is that we are always full, right? The Moon is always a big round orb, right? It is full, it is whole, it is alive, it is in its own energy. And it’s its own entity when the Sun moves, and depending upon where it is, and how it relates to the Earth is what we see–and what we see is just a reflection of the sun.
But it doesn’t mean that the moon itself is not whole, in and of itself.ย
But the beauty of it is that we see that we can maintain this wholeness right and still be in phases still go through phases by maintaining while we are still holding the moon, in conjunction with the Sun and in collaboration with the earth teaches us how we can stay in our fullness, but also hold the both/ and / also of growth and evolution and of change.
The Three of Emotions and the three of Cups are here to tell us this week. Again, celebration, but bring your gente in it. Bring your people into the celebration and…this really is a beautiful card. In particular for me in the medicine and the magic that i’m bringing in this week because i’m releasing a new version our WOKE MAGIC Online Coven and i’m bringing in a new space because what i’ve been craving a lot of lately is real deep communion and connection and community.
And i’m really wanting that in collaboration with folks and mi gente that are going on this magical journey and path with me. i am wanting to hold the space, but i’m also wanting to be in the space.
And so the download that i received this past week was like, let let me do this, let us do this together in community in this WOKE MAGIC Coven.
So i shared it with the Coveners that we have already that i’m building this new space and iots almost to the finish point.
Wow! It just started RAINING! How beautiful is that? It wasn’t even supposed to rain today (it’s hotter than hell in Texas right now, lol). But again, here is water, emotions, in the moment downloads in the moment celebration and in and honing in loving and honoring our fullness. That is what the medicine of this week with the Capricorn but also the Three of Emotions.
Both are calling us to really plant that in our community in our space.
Who are we allowing into our orbit? Are they nourishing? Or are they seeping energy out of us?
This is a week to really celebrate everything that you have accomplished and will accomplish. But do it in a way and plant the seeds. i know full Moon isn’t normally when you plant things. But honestly, it’s your magic. It’s your flow. And i’m feeling like this is a good time just to maybe seed in ourselves how we can do that in a community. How can we? How can we be in communion in celebration with people that are on the same path as us?
The other lesson in medicine in this card and in this iteration of this card is the triple goddexx the three Moon phases.
And really remembering that, regardless of whatever phase we’re in whatever season we’re in, if we’re in a dip, if we’re in a valley, wherever we’re at, we are still always whole, you are never broken. You are never lacking you are never unworthy. You are never any of these things you’re always whole and in your fullness.
Even when society, the government, shit talkers and haters, try to bring into law and verbally throw at you that you are not “right.”
Alright loves!
i hope that this download has been super helpful.
Again, if you have the Grimoire, i highly recommend that you jot your downloads down as you’re listening to this on the phone, full Moon reflection and then turn and do the spread.
i’m so excited about this week!! i’m so excited about sharing the things that i’ve been working on behind the scenes and in the fullness. So be on the lookout for that!!!
If you want to join us in our Coven, you can find out more HERE or scroll down to the show notes section below. Right now our Coven is $11 a month. BUT!! It will be going up because it’s going include a
really cool little membership that i can’t talk about right now. BUT I AM DYING TO SHARE WITH YOU!! ๐
You all will be the first to know anyways.
i’m so excited!
i hope that wherever you are, you are calling in the people and the energy and the community that you want to be there with you as you build a life and a world and a creative body of work and the magic that you wish to see the world to be.
i love y’all so so much.
Until next time ๐๐ฝโค๏ธโ๐ฅ
In Lak’ech,
๐ช In honor of this full Moon being my Sun sign’s one, i wanted to celebrate the fullness of WOKE MAGIC by offering folxs in our orbit a super special launch-only rate to our brand new suite of services! Check out our services menu HERE. ๐ COMING WED. 7/13!
๐ช ๐ฅณ๐ช SURPRISE!! We have created an off-Facebook FREE community to help support your medicine + magic. Learn more & join our community ๐ COMING WED. 7/13!ย There are already 3 free digital books uploaded to immediately aid your art + magic! Enjoy!
๐ช Want to springboard your magic journey? Join our Online Coven for amazing support, magic, and medicine for just a $11.00 a month. Find out more, HERE.
๐ช Interested in starting your own Spiritual Business? We’re getting ready to launch the first online Spiritual Business and Coaching Mini-Membership! Get on the EARLY BIRD LIST HERE.
Recap & Takeaways
๐ฎ Pay extra special attention and care when the full moon is in the same sign as your Sun. There is extra special fullness of medicine + magic to celebrate and energy to hone.
๐ฎ This is the midpoint of the Solar year full moon. Take a moment to reflect back on your โ๏ธ Dark Moon intentions (1.3 -1.5.22) and ask yourself the 3 Qs shared in the cast.
๐ฎ If you have the Summer WOKE MAGIC Grimoire, do the midpoint check-in spread on page42.
๐ฎ You are already whole. Make that your mantra for the remaining moon cycle. ๐๐ฝ
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