How Would You Define Success NOW?
Okay, so now that we’ve had some time—most of us a month+ into our isolation and our world is different, i hope that you’ve given yourself room to explore how all this outer change has internally changed you on a personal scale (and if you haven’t yet, i highly suggest that you pause this episode and go listen to Ep. 8: How has this changed you? before proceeding).
Hopefully, you’ve also given yourself the space to adopt, refine, and integrate the tools i’ve shared with you last month. If you haven’t, i highly recommend you stop this episode and listen to those 4 episodes in The Tool Kit For Trying Times (episodes 9 – 12) first.
Because today, our goal is to channel all that energy we’ve been conjuring up & diving into and make it tangible. Make it real. To use everything we’re discovering and shape it into something that can manifest itself in the real world.
So i want you to take a moment, and dive back into all the work you’ve already done, are doing, and hope to do…
And center yourself in this new truth that all of us have been learning: that life as we know it can change in an instant but only we can change ourselves
From this intersectional space of nepantla (in-between spaces) ask yourself this question: and ask yourself this question:
What would success look and feel like for you this year?
Listen to any impulses, words, images, ideas, phrases that come. Receive them all and write them all down.
Tell the logical part of your brain to fuck off and just stay open to receiving whatever comes your way.
i did this deep dive this morning and i was surprised at how so much has changed.
At the beginning of this year, i had made measurable, solid, and leap-filled goals that would make me feel like i am dominating my life, my career path. Everything just seemed so clear cut and defined and driven by all these quarter and measurable goals…
But now after doing this exercise at the heart of this pandemic, my goals, my answers, my reality, my vision have all shifted.
What would feel like success at the end of this year for me is no longer bound to a specific number, career path, or singular vision—anything. Success for me this year would be to keep showing up like this–as my full whole unedited self. Devoted to this podcast, to showing up in my life and work as a whole being; as an unfragmented spiritual self.
And this vision, this definition of success feels good…for now.
But that may change—just like it already has.
What i am learning and taking away from all this is something that i have to keep reminding myself. Because its a wound that i feel like i’m constantly picking at. Just because i’m changing my mind doesn’t mean that i am fickle.
Just because i am shifting gears, focus, whatever, doesn’t mean i am fickle.
It simply means i am evolving.
We are evolving.
And evolving means revisiting, re-evaluating, and constantly checking in to see if the goals, dreams, and desires that we have in place are still facing the direction we deep down need to go.
The tools that i shared with you in the Toolkit last month is a daily way of checking in on that alignment. Use them.
This checking in on my own alignment and direction was what pulled today to re-answer the same question i had already asked myself at the beginning of 2020.
And it’s why i’m asking you to use it and inquire within too.
Allow yourself to change. To grow.
You are not fickle. You are evolving.
Say it to yourself.
I am not fickle. I am evolving.
Grab a pen and paper. Open a note on your phone. And answer the question, What would success look and feel like for you this year?
Listen and grow from there.
Thank you for listening and growing with me.
In 🖤💡✊🏾
Show Notes:
Ep. 05 You Are Not Fickle. You Are Evolving
Ep. 08 How Will This Change You?
Tool Kit For Trying Times (and beyond!) ALL episodes
BTV (my YouTube Channel)
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