i’m sitting on my bed, wrapped up in my holiday sheet, my beautiful new wife!! (EEP) lightly snoring to my left, and two four-legged beautiful creatures DEFINITELY snoring to my right and i’m festering in the fan of air gratitude. For life, for love, for this moment. For another holiday season.
For you.
From my Skyy to yours, i hope you have a magical holiday.

Here are 5 life-changing gifts to give yourself tomorrow — and every day thereafter.


  1. The gift of being. Being present. Being in love. Being in the energy that surrounds us. Being with our family . . . Being with our partners  . . . Just being.

  3. The gift of forgiveness. Of ourselves. The things we wanted to do but just didn’t quite get done. And for any other moment in our lives we took for granted. Today, right now, in our being is a fresh start. We begin again.

  5.  The gift of freedom. From our own personal demons that bind us — the opinions of others, our fear of failing, the unknown . . . we cut the chord on the energy that bound us to who we were and we give + live freely. Untethered. Unbound. From this moment forward.

  7. The gift of courage. To be and do everything we always promised ourselves we would.

  9. The gift of change. And the gift of being okay with it.

Thank you for being in my orbit and a shooting star in my skyy.
In love, light, and magical cheer,