Collage by Beatrice Poggio

How we need you more now than ever.
Your energy. Your spirit. Your fire. Your spunk.
A lot has happened in the last 12 months since you’ve last visited here.
A lot that weighs heavily on my and my trans family, animal rights activist, human rights activists, native people’s, and every other ‘othered’ hearts.
What do we do? Where do we go from here?
How do we make peace with our new normal while still resisting and persisting the system of injustices being thrust upon us?
How can we break free from the systemic chains and oppression that have bound us to ways and skins we’ve long thought we’ve shed?
How do we get or stay spiritual when it feels like everything goddess-like energy and creature has left us stranded?
How do we survive feeling like we are strangers in a strange land where borders and walls are being built under the guise of keeping us ‘safe?’
Today’s solar eclipse in PiscesĀ comes at a time when us ‘others’ homes, states of being, who we were born and have fought to become are being threatened, erased, defunded, and left unprotrected.
If you’re a clairempath like me, perhaps these last few days you’ve felt it more. The injustice has become more prominent. The threats way more real than we ever imagined while being vocalized from behind a debate podium. i wish i could say it was going to get better. But it’s not . . . yet.
But if herstory proves nothing else, it proves that it will.
And our job is to be ready for it.
To arm ourselves with knowledge, facts, and gear up for battle.
 And the only way to win a war is by taking stock of the most important weapon we wield — ourselves and our experiences.
That’sĀ what this new moon solar eclipse is about. We remember . . . and we release.
We take stock of what has happened over these last lunar 365 days to prepare for our new trek through the zodiacĀ come Aries.
We gather or experiences and our stories and we share them to link us to the past. To link us to ourselves. To link us to our future. To link us to our will to act. To be the change. And to make change.
Use this new moon’s energy to keep up with yourself so you can then keep pace with all our new world’s demons.
The personal is political.
And it doesn’t get more personal than our own rights being stripped from our skin.
And if you need a reminder of who you are or capable of being, i will let my favorite poet and Pisces refresh your soul’s memory.

The Warrior’s ReminderĀ 

I am awake
My mind is free
I am Creative
I love myself
My will power is strong
I am Brave
I practice patience
I don’t judge folks
I give not to receive
I don’t expect
I accept
I listen more than I talk
I know Iā€™ll change
I know youā€™ll change
Iā€™ll hold on one more day
I start over when necessary
I create my own situations
I am cosmic
I don’t have the answers
I desire to learn
I am the plan
I am strong
I am weak
I want to grow
I know I will
I take on responsibility
I hide myself from no one
I’m on my path
Warriors walk alone
I won’t let my focus change
Taking out the demons in my rangeā€¦

Erykah Badu from Mamma’s Gun

Many new moon + eclipse radical blessings,