October is LGBTQ History Month and i was asked by the Dallas Voice to create and write a series.
i was given cart blanch to write about anything i wanted (how many writers can say that?!)
i had been toying with the idea of starting a column on queer creatives aka LGBTQ artists – and artist in a broad sense – and this was the perfect opportunity!
i knew EXACTLY who i wanted to write about first, Gloria AnzaldĂșa – someone i had studied in college but, as of late, have been re-developing a relationship to her work. AnzaldĂșa was an amazing writer and spiritual activist.
Her piece is titled, “Bridges To The Self: Gloria AnzaldĂșa And ‘Threating’ On” and you can read it here.
This past week, i chose Joe Brainard – someone who’s work and writings i am also interested in learning more about. Sitting with. His artist ideology is closest to my own.
His piece is called, “We Remember: Joe Brainard And Art As Life” and you can read it here.
Stay tuned for the remaining two! i’ll be posting more about them & links in this article once they are finished!