La estrellas: An astrology storytelling series. Aries.

La estrellas: An astrology storytelling series. Aries.

La Estrella is an astrology storytelling series created, written, and lived by HWIC, Brandi Amara Skyy. The series can be read at any time but is particularly most potent during the sign’s season (both solar & lunar) as well on the zodiac’s planetary...
Mercury Retrograde Tips: WOKE MAGIC Medicine Bundle

Mercury Retrograde Tips: WOKE MAGIC Medicine Bundle

Mercury Retrograde (rx) is back. But, contrary to the collective conscious narrative, it doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom. As someone who was born under Mercury rx, i can vouch for its potency and power in helping us recommit to our Wild Dreams and...
Jupiter In Aquarius—The Star Wars Astrology Edition

Jupiter In Aquarius—The Star Wars Astrology Edition

Jupiter in Aquarius—The Star Wars Edition Go big or go home. That’s what Jupiter in Aquarius ♒️ is going to ask us to do over the next year. How we heed the call is up to us, but Saturn sitting with Jupiter will ensure we heed it. Jupiter, like LOA (Law Of...