Ep 21 Radical Gratitude One Minute Sparks For Artivists

Ep 21 Radical Gratitude One Minute Sparks For Artivists

Brandi Amara Skyy · Ep 21 Radical Gratitude One Minute Sparks For Artivists Radical Gratitude Today’s podcast is all about gratitude. And before i even get into the tofu of everything, i want to start off with some gratitude, myself. Because one of the things i’m...
New Moon in Virgo and cosmic reflections

New Moon in Virgo and cosmic reflections

  i’ve always been the kind of person who has to retreat into themselves, into their art for periods of time. This week has been one of those (although i feel like the entire month of August has been that way).   Reclusive. Reevaluating. Realigning....
New moon in Aquarius: We the queers.

New moon in Aquarius: We the queers.

QUEER kwir/ adjective adjective: queer; comparative adjective: queerer; superlative adjective: queerest 1.strange; odd. “she had a queer feeling that they were being watched” synonyms: odd, strange, unusual, funny, peculiar, curious, bizarre, weird,...
New Moon in Capricorn – Steel yourself and your dreams NOW.

New Moon in Capricorn – Steel yourself and your dreams NOW.

  This is the new moon of my sun sign.   As a Capricorn, i can tell you that there is no better energy to set your new year dreams and desires in.   Capricorn is a hustler — almost to their own determent. We will keep digging until we find the...